Casa > Mac Duggal Couture by CAS macd_10748-BLK

Mac Duggal Couture by CAS macd_10748-BLK

Brand/Designer: Mac Duggal Couture by CAS
Occasion: Baile
Longitud de Vestidos: Hasta el Suelo
Silueta de Vestidos: Vaina
Mangas: Revolotean Mangas
Cuello: Joyas Cuello
Cintura: Cintura Natural
Con una Cola: Brush/Sweep
Acentos: Ajustado al Cuerpo Joyas
Espalda/Cierre: Cremallera
Para: Adult

Precios: $598.00

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Modest Sheath Flutter Sleeves Jeweled Neck Fitted Back Zipper Floor Length Natural Waistline Sheath Dress/Prom Dress with a Brush/Sweep Train


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Couture Candy

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